Yasyri Ajri Al-Fatah
Hailing From: Bandung, West Java Indonesia
Throwing Since: 2020
In his four years as a Sports Throwing Athlete, Yasyri has soared in developing his ability and gaining experience. Originally a badminton hobbyist, Yasyri discovered knife throwing through his father’s friend, Aim Gamer and prominent Indonesian Sports Throwing star Asep Tedi Respati, “Who influenced me is my coach, Asep Tedi Respati, who introduced me to the sport throwing and wanted to make knife and axe throwing as an officially legal sport in Indonesia”.
At 25 years old, Yasyri has taken medals in major Indonesian Sports Throwing events, has earned national certification as a conventional knife and ax throwing coach and is the chairman for Thrownesia Club, one of Indonesia’s premiere Sports Throwing clubs. Having started the Aim Games at ‘K19 The River’, Yasyri says about the tournaments “I was mesmerized by the target images created for each challenge plus the story behind it. A masterpiece that others may not have thought of”.
Advice to New Throwers:
“I suggest for the beginning thrower to practice the correct knife grip and swing first, and to not forget about safety. Practice at the closest distance to the log or wood, 2 meters, but parallel to the knife being held, so that it does not bounce directly to the thrower's body. This is a way to find the feeling of throwing”.
Notable Achievements:
Outside the Aim Games, Yasyri took 1st place at the ‘university level’ in the full spin category at both Blade Motion Universitas Indonesia in 2020 and Open Tournament se-Bandung Raya in 2022.
Inside the Aim Games, Yasyri holds a six Superstar Rank, has taken 36th place in ‘H7X Awful Amusement Park’, 22nd place in ‘H7 The Tunnel’ and 9th place in ‘K20 Forest Nightmare’, and has introduced nearly one hundred new athletes to our tournaments.