
The Aim Games H7X "Awful Amusement Park" Is Live!

Here are all the Rules and all of our Top-200 Cash Prizes. We have Word-doc translations ready in many languages that may be downloaded from our Aim Games Facebook Page where you will post all your entries. This tournament is live for the next 80 days worldwide and is 100% Free. You can enter from anywhere.

Our All-Cash H7X Prize Pool

Our prize pool is over $40,000 USD for this Free Global Tournament. This includes $35,000 USD in cash for our Top-200 and over $5,000 USD in cash awarded in our Superstar #30 Contest and our 19 Random Prize Drawings for all entrants. Qualify in the first two weeks into H7X and be entered in all 19 of the drawings! The Aim Games, H7X "Awful Amusement Park" is 100% free with no strings attached.

All of Our Rules Are Posted

All of our rules are posted in this slide presentation. The target is a detailed 16” wide by 12” high rectangle painted as shown in our rule slides. This is a very easy target to create. Please always use pale contrasting colors so that your throws landing close to H7X’s required black “Shadow Wall” are clearly visible. Simple, pale offsetting colored paints show the best always in Awful Amusement Park. A White or Tan “Slime Flume” is great.

The Exciting and Innovative Tournament

The “H7X – Awful Amusement Park" tournament is exciting and innovative. The rules will take reading a few times over to fully understand, but they are designed to make entry smooth and easy. We walk you right through the rules, from story to requirements, to target, to descriptions of each throw, and each section of Awful Amusement Park. We provide videos of how to make your H7X target the easiest way, how to capture video as per our fair and strict rules, and how the tournament is done.

Superstar #30

Superstar #30 will be a part of this tournament. Superstar #30 will be our standard “Tournament Within the Tournament” of H7X. It will be live for around 17 days in the middle of the schedule. Superstar #30 is a hot new challenge for our up-and-coming Superstars. We design this as a short expert’s tournament that all may go for.

Close-Ups in Awful Amusement Park

Awful Amusement Park will require lots of close-ups to show your throws. Please note that (per our slide that discusses this) it is an honor to take all the time needed to prove your scores in the Aim Games. It is fair for all to see every throw. We want you to reset yourself after a close-up, and then you must get through carefully resetting and aiming again. Like live tournaments, there is often a break in concentration when a throw is scored. The Aim Games are the same way. Even more so, our top throwers earn the right to show a careful close-up by succeeding on each very tough throw. The close-up is how you earn those points by proving to all viewers that it is good. Like all Aim Games, once you enter and improve a few times, it will become super easy, with goals to set and many possible scoring strategies. Take it on as a strategic game, because that is what it is, and that includes careful close-ups. URGENT: Be sure to provide close ups of the “Shadow Wall” on all close throws, as it is a miss if the Shadow Wall is cut from your throw. To progress in the Fun House Zones, you must score cleanly fully in-bounds and without disturbing the Shadow Wall.

Two Key Features of Awful Amusement Park

Two things stand out in Awful Amusement Park. It is a tough tournament with no hope of maximum completion, and point ties are highly improbable in the upper scores. Point ties are decided by time stamp of entry, so enter early and improve often! We allow you to miss once at the end of each of the two “Fun House Zones”. When you miss once after scoring, you move on to the next section of the Awful Amusement Park. This is a tournament that takes patience, concentration, and skill. H7X has three sections or “Zones” in which to score.

Three Zones of Awful Amusement Park

You throw as best you can in the “Fun House Entry Zone”, then you proceed to the “Fun House Bonus Zone”. If you score there, then you go for the “Slime Flume!” Few entrants will ever score more than 15 throws. It is that hard. With no time limit and taking all the time you need to carefully show a close-up of each score, 90% of entries will be completed in under five minutes. It is that hard.

Welcome to Awful Amusement Park

Welcome to Awful Amusement Park. Soon you will know it very well. The names of the sections of “Awful Amusement Park” will soon be common in your home and club. “The Fun House Entry Zone”, “The Fun House Bonus Zone” and “The Slime Flume” are the three sections that make up this endless challenge. No matter how well you score, you will know for sure that you can do better. Awful Amusement Park is one of the greatest challenges in Aim Games long history.

Our 28th 80-Day Tournament

This is our 28th 80-Day Tournament. We have a huge all-cash prize pool of $40,000 USD ($35K of which will be awarded to our Top-200 athletes, and the remaining $5,000 USD will be awarded to our Superstars and our 19 Random Drawing winners among all entrants.

The Start of Awful Amusement Park

Awful Amusement Park starts with a single relaxed steady throw from 3 meters+ and then you are alone in a dark and creepy old amusement park until that entry ends. A single new throw can catapult you far, far higher. A few special throws and you will find yourself in a well-lighted grotto sipping a cool beverage and contemplating the meaning of precision and sport. You may well find yourself receiving big money with the elite 200 expert sports-thrower leaders of Awful Amusement Park. Our top prize is $3,600 USD with 125 athletes awarded $100+ and top 200 awarded $35+ AND 19 Valuable 100% Free Random Prize Drawings totaling $2,500 USD.

Live for the Next 80 Days

We are live for the next 80 days until 6pm August 5th, 2024, California Time. Your goal is to enter and improve as often as you can in that time. Each improvement score supersedes your previous best. Good luck to all!

Over $40,000 USD Prize Pool

Our prize pool is over $40,000 USD! As with all the Aim Games, H7X "Awful Amusement Park" is 100% free with no strings attached.

Cash Prize Program

Our cash prize program pays via Paypal, (and WeChat in China) so please do register with us and them to receive payment.

Enter Early

Enter early! We have 19 free random prize drawings for all entrants to inspire beginners to enter and improve, as well as to promote early entry. We have three drawings approximately every two weeks, with #1, #2 and #3 on Sunday the 2nd of June 2024.

Thank You

Thank you to our Aim Games Management Team for your fantastic work on this tournament. The Aim Games are a 501(c)(3

How to Play

Submit Entry Here


$35,000 USD IN CASH AWARDS FOR H7X are here. Welcome to all Axe Throwers. The Aim Games H7X Awful Amusement Park are awarding $35,000 USD to our Top-200 Athletes, and $5,000 USD more for our Superstars Tournament and our 19 Random Drawings for all entrants.

H7X Rules

Questions? WE got you covered here. You can also ask on our facebook event page.